I have been dying to share this Vintage loveseat with you! It was my $50 craigslist find. It's from an estate in Savannah, GA. I can picture it in an old parlour in those big plantation homes with women sipping tea in beautiful, yet uncomfortable dresses. The woodwork is amazing. It had a lot of scuffs on it, but the wood wasn't damaged. So I just used some of my homemade natural woodcleaner and rubbed it a few times and all the scuffs were gone!!! And it has such a nice sheen to it. It was in excellent condition except for the cushions. They were all pilly and the fabric was falling apart. So I went to Costplus/World Market to find an alternative for couch cushions. That is where I found these aqua colored silk floor cushions. You should have seen me in the store right before closing with no children by my side. Sitting on the floor of the store, with a measuring tape, various cushions, my old fabric cushion cover draped over other pillows trying to pair colors together! I probably looked like I was doing a challenge for Design Star! :) I measured them and they fit perfectly on the couch! I was very happy about the find. So what if the pillows cost more than the couch?!?! ;) We have a huge bedroom and this is on a wall in our room next to a bookshelf with a light hanging down by it. It's very pretty at night with just that light on. This is our reading and discussion couch! :) It also serves as a make shift bed for needy toddlers in the middle of the night!
I love being able to stay at home and make my home a warm, loving place that our family wants to be in.
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