Friday, January 04, 2008

Creative Inspiration

This lovely layout is from the super talented Emily Falconbridge. I had been wanting to paint a tree with the fruits of the spirit for our playroom/schoolroom. When I saw this it just confirmed that I needed to do it and was so inspiring to me! So, this is our winter break. And last week, while Brandon was working insane amounts of hours, instead of packing up and putting away all the Christmas decorations, I stayed up and painted and redecorated the schoolroom. Priorities right?!?!

This is what I came up with!

And a closer version (little birdie was a clearance ornament from Target! Just had to throw him on the tree for fun)

Thanks for the inspiration Emily! And if you haven't checked out her blog before, please do, it's packed full of clever ideas and lots of cuteness!
More photos of the room to come later...


emfalconbridge said...

OHHHHH how cool are YOU? this looks amazing - i love it!!! i want to do this on a wall so badly - do you think my landlady would mind? ;)
so happy to see this, my words can't even express how much i love it - thanks for sharing and for YOUR inspiration!!

Jen said...

I love it SJ. How lucky are your kids to have a fun and creative Mom like you? :)

Aimee said...

ADORABLE!!! Great job!